Tendonitis In The Wrist And Hand
What is it?
This is a good question! There are many causes of lumps and bumps in the hand, it is often a ganglion – but not always!
What is it?
This is a good question! There are many causes of lumps and bumps in the hand, it is often a ganglion – but not always!
What causes it?
Although there are many causes for lumps and bumps a ganglion is the most common. These a mucin filled synovial cysts which form either from trauma, mucoid degeneration or herniation of synovium from a joint.
What happens if you do nothing?
The natural history of the lump is dependent on what the diagnosis is – so it is generally best identifying what the lump is. The natural history of a ganglion is to increase and decrease in size and sometimes to disappear.
What happens if you do nothing?
The natural history of the lump is dependent on what the diagnosis is – so it is generally best identifying what the lump is. The natural history of a ganglion is to increase and decrease in size and sometimes to disappear.
What treatments are there?
This is dependent on what is causing the lump. If you have a ganglion confirmed observation is generally the best cause of action if a ganglion is not too problematic. If it is symptomatic aspiration can be performed (although has a high recurrence rates). Surgical excision is an alternative but still has a relatively high recurrence rate of roughly 20%.