Arthritis In The Hand & Wrist
What is it?
Arthritis can occur at any of the joints in your hand or wrist, it can cause pain and stiffness in the affected area.
What is it?
Arthritis can occur at any of the joints in your hand or wrist, it can cause pain and stiffness in the affected area.
What causes it?
This tends to affect individuals over the age of 50 when there is no specific cause for this (primary arthritis) but can affect younger individuals when due to problems from trauma, inflammatory joint conditions or sepsis.
What happens if you do nothing?
Arthritis of will not improve with time but your symptoms can ‘wax and wane’.
What happens if you do nothing?
Arthritis of will not improve with time but your symptoms can ‘wax and wane’.
What treatments are there?
When simple painkillers fail to manage your symptoms satisfactorily other treatment options to consider include anti-inflammatory steroids if the arthritis is not too severe. Surgery can be helpful in resistant cases and is dependent on the area affected.